Two Latina moms and their daughters drinking smoothies.

Family Wellness

Conmigo is a 12-week mother-daughter health and physical activity program for preadolescent Latinas (girls aged 8-11) and their moms. Eligible participants enroll in a 12-session program that meets once/week for 2 hours and provides exercise classes and group discussions on topics like family communication, nutrition, parenting, and goal-setting.

5 Latinas in workout gear standing in front of a church.

Promoting Physical Activity

Faith in Action is a promotora-led physical activity program hosted in collaboration with churches throughout San Diego County. Latina women from the church community are trained to lead walking groups, cardio dance classes, and strength training classes, and to make motivational phone calls to participants helping them to overcome barriers to being active.

Group of people exercising.

Scaling Up Health Programs (K24)

The K24 research aims to strengthen sustainability for the Evidence-Based Intervention (EBI) by using mixed methods to assess new sustainability strategies and mechanisms. Additionally, it aims to identify market opportunities and enhance user engagement to scale up the EBI, extending its reach and effectiveness.